Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence Research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed significant evolution in recent years. Researchers from academia and industry are heavily focusing on AI-based innovation. AI-powered algorithms and tools have dramatically influenced almost every other field of research. In today’s blog post, I will share some of the most interesting innovations in the field of AI.
AI and Ethics
Influential organizations including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have identified AI ethics frameworks or guidelines for the responsible use of AI-based tools and technologies. However, not much has been achieved in terms of implementation thus far. On a positive note, the European Union passed the European Artificial Intelligence Act in 2024. This act hopes to enforce AI's ethical use while still supporting AI-based innovation.
Anthropomorphic AI agents
While implementing ethics-based frameworks is still underway, the AI industry has already started employing “anthropomorphic” or human-like AI agents (e.g., chatbots and assistants) for large-scale social manipulation. A recent review describes how anthropomorphic AI agents accurately mimic human conversations and predict buyer intention before a purchase decision is made. The authors argue that this recent development has given birth to a new marketplace that constantly analyzes behavioral and psychological data signaling user intent (the “intention economy”). The net result? Businesses employing manipulative AI agents can now identify and “sell” your intentions to interested stakeholders—hotels, airlines, online marketplaces, and more.
AI and Animal-Vehicle Collisions
Several ethical AI-based implementations are also being pursued by the AI community. One such initiative involves the reduction of wildlife-vehicle collisions using AI-based techniques.
Wildlife collisions with trains and automobiles are notorious, especially in areas where roads and railways pass through dense forests. In the U.S. State of Colorado, for instance, deer routinely get injured or killed while crossing Highway 9—a 10-mile-long highway that passes through the Rocky Mountains. In December 2024, the U.S. Department of Transportation approved funds worth USD 125 million to support initiatives for reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions. Researchers involved in the Colorado project are already using AI-based recognition technology to detect the presence of wildlife near Highway 9. The system alerts approaching drivers about imminent dangers, thus mitigating the risk of wildlife-vehicle collision significantly.
AI for Gene Delivery
AI has revolutionized nearly every field of research. A Nature article published in December 2024 describes how Nobel Laureate Professor David Baker, in collaboration with South Korean researchers, has developed biological structures for effective gene delivery. These gene-delivery agents comprise proteins and closely mimic the structures of viruses. In the landmark study, the international team of researchers describes how AI has been used to detect subtle asymmetries in the structures of viruses, thus aiding the design of four-component protein nanocages. According to the study authors, these gene-delivering nanocages can harbor three times more genetic material than conventional vectors.
AI Helps Fight Crime
Online crime involving narcotics is a growing menace. The issue gets further compounded when criminals use code words or “dark jargons” and constantly change them. Luckily, a new AI-based intervention can address this serious issue. A team of researchers from Japan is harnessing the power of AI to detect complicated code words used by online drug peddlers. This AI-based method analyzes social media posts and decodes the meaning of difficult-to-interpret phrases, thus serving as a valuable tool in the arsenal against narcotics.
In 2024, AI-driven research witnessed significant growth and AI-based approaches were used to address challenges across various disciplines. According to a report published in late 2024, the top 10 countries that have published papers on AI-based research between 2019 and 2023 include China, USA, India, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada, South Korea, and Australia. Although there is scope for improvement in implementing robust ethical frameworks, AI continues to lead advancements in nearly every field of study.
Key Takeaways
- AI-based research witnessed tremendous growth in 2024.
- The AI community has still not fully adopted any rigorous AI ethics frameworks.
- AI-based research is making a difference in nearly every field of research across the globe.
Quiz for the Curious
Can ChatGPT get co-authorship on a review article submitted to Cureus Journals?
(A) Yes, such a possibility does exist.
(B) This is possible but only in certain situations.
(C) ChatGPT does not qualify for authorship as per the guidelines stipulated by the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE), also adopted by Cureus Journals.
(D) ChatGPT can be designated as the first author, co-author, or corresponding author with no issues whatsoever.
Answer: (C)