Ferhun Cem  Caner
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Dr. Caner's research has achieved a total of 1701 citations and an h-index of 23. His active research interests are: (1) Computational constitutive modelling of nanoscale fracture, damage, plasticity, fatigue, and inelasticity in hard metals at small and large specimens; (2) computational constitutive modelling of damage, fracture and inelasticity of anisotropic fiber reinforced polymer composites; (3) Extreme value statistics of strength of nanoscale hard metals and fiber reinforced polymer composites; (4) Strain rate effects and comminution of hard metals and fiber reinforced polymer composites. His additional interests are constitutive modelling of structural concrete, arterial soft tissue, intervertebral disk, stiff foams, and anisotropic shale rock at small and finite strains. He taught 10 graduate and 11 undergraduate courses in 5 different higher education schools worldwide.