Luciano Feo
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Dr. Luciano Feo (July 13, 1965) is Full Professor of Mechanics of Solids and Structures at the Department of Civil Engineering (DICIV) of the University of Salerno (Italy) and Professor Honoris Causa at the “Ovidius” University of Costanza.
He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees, cum laude, in Civil Engineering from the University of Salerno (1990), the Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from the University of Naples “Federico II” (1997) and the Diploma in Conception optimisee intelligence des materiaux et des structures, from the École Polytechnique de Paris (1999).
He has participated as a PI or co-PI in many research projects funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR), the Laboratories University Network of Seismic Engineering (ReLUIS) and the Italian National Research Council (CNR), which is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities.
He is author or co-author of 380+ articles in impact factor-rated scientific journals. Most of his research work concerns composites and nano-composites materials; experimental investigation of composites materials (FRP); computational mechanics; multiscale numerical modelling and simulation of materials and structures; computational design and engineering of innovative sustainable materials and infrastuctures; green materials and structures; structural rehabilitation of masonry and concrete structures with FRP; full FRP composite structures; connections in composites structures; durability of high performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC).
He is the Director of the STructural Engineering Testing Hall (STRENGTH) of the Structural Laboratory of the University of Salerno.
In recent years, he has been Vice-Rector of the University of Salerno for Sustainable Infrastructure, member of the Board of Directors of the University of Salerno, Vice-Director of the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno and Director of the Bioengineering and Biomechanics Laboratory (BIOMECH).
Prof. Feo has been Editor of Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier; Editor-In-Chief of the “Section Board for Advanced Composites” of Materials journal, MDPI; Senior Associate Editor of PSU Research Review: An international Journal, Emerald; Associate Editor of Mechanics of Materials, section of Frontiers in Materials; Associate Editor of International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies.
He has been Guest Co-Editor of the following Special Issues: Materials, “Green Materials and Construction” and “Recycled Materials, Eco-design and 3D Printing”; Composites Part B: Engineering, “Advances in damage mechanics of polymer composites” and “Composite lattice materials and structures”; Technologies, “Nanotechnology in Construction” and “Bolted and Bonded Joints in Fibre Reinforced Polymer Constructions”; Nanomaterials “Mechanics of Micro and Nano Structures and Materials""; “Mechanics of micro and nano structures and materials”, Vol 1 and 2.
He is on the Board of Editors of many International Journals: Composites Part B: Engineering, Composites Theory and Practice, World Journal of Engineering, Journal Technologies, Materials, Current Nanoscience, International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, Curved and Layered Structures, PSU Research Review: An international Journal and Progettazione Sismica Italian National journal, International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials and International Journal of Materials Research in Science & Technology, Frontiers in Materials and Polymers.