Section 1: APCs/Refund/Waivers/Editing fees

How do article processing charges work in terms of editing?

Notably, there are NO article processing charges (APCs) required to publish in Cureus Journal of Engineering. However, authors must adhere to our rigorous formatting and language requirements. Original articles, case reports, technical reports, and editorials that exceed the specified number of authors or references will no longer be eligible for free publication. Review articles require the purchase of Preferred Editing regardless of the number of authors or references. Please note that staying within the limits does not guarantee that your article will be accepted for free publication as articles with too many errors will always require Preferred Editing. Creative Commons Attribution

How much does it cost to read articles in the Cureus Journal of Engineering?

Cureus Journal of Engineering provides Gold Open Access. We offer free access to all articles immediately upon publication, as we strongly believe that science should not be locked behind a paywall.

Will purchasing the Preferred Editing service guarantee publication?

Preliminary acceptance occurs when your article enters peer review, but comprehensive editorial review (and the assurance of publication) will not occur until the article is submitted for publication after peer review. While the purchase of Preferred Editing doesn't guarantee publication, a partial refund will be issued if the article is rejected after peer review. (A $50 processing fee will be withheld.) No refund will be provided for articles rejected due to fraud or plagiarism or articles voluntarily withdrawn by the author.

Which article types require Preferred Editing?

All non-channel and non-competition review articles submitted to Cureus JoE will be required to purchase our Preferred Editing service to proceed with peer review and publication. This is due to the considerable editorial efforts associated with processing and editing these articles, which typically contain more content and references than other articles. Preliminary acceptance occurs when your article enters peer review, but comprehensive editorial review (and the assurance of publication) will not occur until the article is submitted for publication after peer review. In addition, articles that exceed the author or reference limits for a given article type will require the purchase of Preferred Editing regardless of how many errors are found during our preliminary review.

  • Original articles: 10 authors and 30 references
  • Case reports and technical reports: 5 authors and 20 references
  • Editorials: 5 authors and 5 references

What can I do to ensure my article is published for free?

Please read the Instructions for Authors section of our Author Guide and pay close attention to rules regarding media and reference formatting. Subheader formatting, language punctuation, complete references - these things matter! If you take the time needed to read and meet our requirements, you should have no problem publishing for free.

How are the different error levels determined?

Articles with level 1 errors qualify for free publication, while articles in the remaining error levels will require our Preferred Editing service. We carefully assess each submitted article during editor check, assigning points for errors in the following categories: author name and affiliation accuracy/formatting, acronym/initialism definitions, spelling/grammar/language/syntax, text and media formatting, and reference formatting/accuracy. The total number of errors and the estimated time required to fix them will determine an article’s assigned error level.

What corrections are not covered by Preferred Editing?

With only a few exceptions, we will fix all formatting and language issues. Our editors will correct all formatting and language errors with the following exceptions requiring your revision:

  • Scientific content issues that can only be addressed by the authors
  • Blurry, stretched, or otherwise illegible figures
  • Tables with multiple values in the same cell
  • References that are either missing entirely or missing required information
  • Duplicated references that require major reordering of references and corresponding in-text citations

Additionally, you may be asked to clarify or revise if our editors have any questions about the scientific content of your article.

Do you offer fee waivers or discounts?

Cureus Journal of Engineering does not offer full fee waivers as the average price of our Preferred Editing service is well below typical journal article processing charges (APC). We do offer a 50% discount in the form of a refund after purchase to submitting authors located in the world’s lowest-income countries as defined by the World Bank. We are unable to grant discount requests solely on the basis of the research topic explored where there is no evidence of a financial need.

However, if you are in financial need and unable to support the cost of Preferred Editing, we would be happy to assess your eligibility for a discount. Discount requests should be sent to support after your article has been deferred for Preferred Editing. Please include your article title and reason for the discount request. Author fees and discount eligibility do not influence editorial decision-making.

Section 2: Article related/ Submission-related

What are the in-scope article types for Cureus Journal of Engineering?

Cureus Journal of Engineering can publish a wide range of article types such as Original Research, Reviews, Editorial, Technical Reports & Letters. Please refer to our author's guide.

Does the Cureus Journal of Engineering cover special issues or conferences?

Yes, we do consider the special issues and conferences. However, kindly contact customer support for the same

Can I submit my paper if it's already available on preprint servers or has been presented at conferences?

Yes, the preprint articles and the articles presented at the conferences can be submitted. However, they should not be submitted/published elsewhere.

What is the scope of the Cureus Journal of Engineering?

We have areas like Architectural Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Engineering and Engineering (Miscellaneous): Transportation, Environmental, Marine, Chemical, Automation, Polymer, and Aerospace Engineering

Do I have to give Cureus the copyright to my article?

No. All content on Cureus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

What is SIQ™ (Scholarly Impact Quotient™)?

In addition to pre-publication peer review, articles can be rated by a broad cross-section of users after publication.

Each article accumulates a post-publication proprietary rating, or "Scholarly Impact Quotient" (SIQ). SIQ is an evolving reflection of an article's scientific impact as judged by the engineering community-at-large. SIQ ratings from relevant specialists are weighted more heavily than those from non-experts.

Who is individually responsible for the scientific quality of publications?

Section 3: Platform-based/Process-based

What is the review process like?

All submitted articles must undergo a single-blind pre-publication peer review process in which reviewers know the identity of the authors, but authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. Reviewers are made anonymous through the automated system. Once a reviewer accepts the review invitation, they are assigned a Greek letter to be used for identification purposes by the authors (e.g. Reviewer Alpha). Authors are required to suggest a minimum of five reviewers when submitting their draft. However, two Cureus Journal of Engineering invited peer-reviewers should complete the review to satisfy the peer-review process.

Can we add Co-Authors with the same affiliation?

Yes, we can add the co-authors with the same affiliation.

How many references can we add per article type to be eligible for free publication?

Articles are limited to the following number of references to remain eligible for free publication. Exceeding the below limits will disqualify your article from free publication regardless of how many errors are found during our preliminary review. All review articles require the purchase of Preferred Editing regardless of reference total.

  • Original Articles - 30 References
  • Technical/Case Reports - 20 References
  • Editorials - 5 References

What are the criteria for acceptance of the manuscript?

  • Favorable reviews by peer-reviewers
  • Positive recommendation from Associate Editor
  • Adherence to the journal’s rigorous formatting and language requirements
  • Compliance with research and publishing integrity aspects