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A New Era of
Open-Access Journals
Open-Access Journals
Researchers and Authors
Researchers and Authors
Cureus Journals, a part of Springer Nature, is a series of open-access, broad-scope journals across wide range of disciplines. It was founded with the mission to foster knowledge sharing among the global community of authors, peer reviewers, and readers. To maintain the credibility of articles, they are peer-reviewed and given substantial critical feedback confirming the absence of fatal scientific and methodological flaws. Cureus Journals accept different formats of content, which include original research, review articles, case study, technical reports, letters and editorials.
By using the Continuous Article Publication (CAP) model articles are timely communicated and disseminated to global readers. Cureus upholds ethical standards and does not tolerate plagiarism, data manipulation, or other misconduct. The journal's acceptance policy includes rigorous formatting and language requirements to ensure consistent publication standards. Articles that require a lot of formatting and grammatical errors will require an editing fee. Otherwise, Cureus Journals does not charge any article publication fees.

What is Cureus Journals?
Cureus Journals, a part of Springer Nature, is a series of open-access, online-only journals. It aims to eliminate barriers to the generation and dissemination of knowledge. By leveraging the power of an online, crowdsourced community platform, it is committed to sharing and promoting published scientific knowledge around the world.
What types of articles are accepted in Cureus?
Cureus Journals accepts different types of articles, including:
- Original research
- Case studies
- Review articles
- Technical reports
- Editorials
- Letters
What is the publishing cost at Cureus Journals?
Cureus Journals requires all submissions to follow strict rules for how they look and how they're written. If an article has a lot of errors, the author will need to buy our Preferred Editing service, which covers the time and effort spent on fixing those errors. Otherwise, at the moment, there are no publishing charges for publishing research on Cureus Journals.
What are the publication ethics and malpractice policies at Cureus Journals?
Cureus Journals does not tolerate plagiarism, data manipulation, incorrect information, copyright infringement, inaccurate author attributions, inappropriate manipulation of peer review, conflicts of interest, fraud, or libel.
What are the advantages of publishing in Cureus Journals?
Credible Information: Every article published on Cureus Journals goes through rigorous peer review. Our trusted peer reviewers ensure that the article review includes critical feedback and no fatal scientific and methodological errors.
Swift-publication: By using a Continuous Article Publication (CAP) model, Cureus Journals ensures that the publication time is reduced and the article is communicated to the community swiftly.
More Visibility: Cureus Journals' open-access platform helps your research reach a wider audience for great visibility. Also, open-access journals are freely available to a global audience.
What kind of submissions are not allowed in Cureus Journals?
The following submissions are not accepted at Cureus:
- We will not accept any review protocols, including systematic ones.
- Cureus does not accept or publish letters to the editor.
What happens if an article does not meet the author or reference limits set by Cureus Journals?
Articles that exceed the author or reference limits, or have significant formatting and language errors, will require the purchase of the Preferred Editing service to cover the additional editorial work needed.
What is the eligibility for free publication at Cureus Journals?
To remain eligible for free publication, articles must not exceed the following limits:
- Original articles: 10 authors and 30 references
- case study and technical reports: 5 authors and 20 references
- Editorials: 5 authors and 5 references